House pet
Black cat, black
Cat, would you tell me
Where you are going?
Why don't you come in the light?
You are not
A creature of darkness.
Why won't you talk
To me?
You don't belong there.
Stop sitting
In that dirty little corner.
Look at your eyes,
You are looking
At me, aren't you?
Here is a bottle of red
Wine for you.
Look at how pretty
The wine is.
This rouge is my love
For you.
So, why
Are you leaving?
Don't you like the wine?
I am not going to let you
Go back to that dark place
Where I can't see you.
I need to see
Here, let me hold you
In my arms where
The wind can't reach you
And darkness can't take you
Away from my sight.
Look how lovely you
Have settled down
In my embrace where
It is safe and
Your primitive wild
Instinct will not be needed to
Put to work.
I'd give you a beautiful basket
To sit in all day.
That's exactly what you want,
Isn't it?
Don't leave!
Damn'd cat!
You've scratched my wrist!
Dale Chou