Back to the poison of urban life—
The remaining scent of
Eye-stinging cigarette marked
An 'X'
On this giant spider-web.
Red light shove people in and out
From tightly-spaced stores—waiting
In anticipation
To capture their prey.
Back to this city cave—
I toiled left and right on this bed
Dreaming feverishly (of
All sorts of fantasies).
I did not think of you.
Instead, I let my arms and feet go
Wild—unnoticed, as I
Battled my way through gigantic screens—
For they were monstrous indeed.
There were too many notes.
I could not play them all (but
How dare you—
Asking me not to play at all?)—
No, not tonight.
I've forgot my time and sleep.
I've forgot about tomorrow—and
Went ahead to gaze
Into another flashing screen.
Dale Chou