Professor L

The dwarfish man with a bald spot (which he covered with hair
From the side) stood on the stage. With an odd smile, 
He flipped through the page
And spoke of logic. 
'I used to know that Nobel Prize winner.' 
He said, 'In fact we used to play together.'
He used to befriend with all the 
Worldly Important People. 
This was made perfectly clear with
Strong exclamation marks, which he has
Capitalised boldly to emphasise his history. 
With vague insinuations, he's also hinted that
Some were even his students. 
As he smiled proudly, 
His austere glare
Lurked softly into his past, 
And—like an authoritarian—he searched for approval
Amidst my seismic stare. 
He blurted out noisily (and suddenly), 'That school policy is illogical!'
Ironically, this conclusion was claimed without a premise. 
Voices whispered about the room—it was said that the credits from him
Were scoffed by other professors. 
He's told us the importance of logic, 
But so far logic itself has been a circular argument—
A self-sustaining religion; and he—
A blind believer.

Dale Chou 2001-09-22