Private ritual
It is
Exactly nights like this
That set the world in destitute. I've been walking
The rain has made a poor man of me. head-bowed
Curious of the world for weeks now. And weeks
I'm still, translate, to months;
But the rain has bade me and months to years.
To let you go. So I've done it again!
I suppose you've said it well enough: If the forlorn time and—oh such
Space could break us, divide us, insensitivity, eternity, could tear
And separate us (and to remain painless). stations and cities apart; why not
We probably weren't that in love anyway. us, too (just as well)? Ai!—
Goodbye, my dearest stone-masoned love. my sorrow's wound, my sweet cocoon!
Let this be my settled letter! A lone bird you've made me.
So I'm thus unmade.
Dale Chou