Half the battle

I know when to show up on time and dine by myself. 
I know how to remember the dates that I have forgot, and
Act like I am OK, when the numbers show up. 
I know how to speak to the cats alone in the park. 
I know what it takes to wait for
A call that has died and gone cold. 
I know the moisture of an apartment that keeps the mind 
At bay. I know how to plan for a journey—one that takes me
Far, far away. I know what it's like to stand in the dark, 
Against the balustrade of the highest floor, looking up. 
I know the names of the colours that I see 
As I stare deep into the sun. I know the way 
My eyes burn at the thought of you 
And what I have become. 

I know the way to pretend I am done. 
I know all the dates and years that I have mixed up. 
I know what it's like to listen to the streets;  
And when the streets are silent and still, I know how 
To tell if they are really asleep. 
I know the warmth and comfort of a ready-made bed. I know 
What it takes to keep dreaming, 
To keep walking, despite everything. 
I know how to get up, get dressed, and 
Go to work the morning after. I know how to 
Do the things I do, even if it makes me cold 
Just thinking about it. I know when it is OK to recall: 
What it means to be you; but it is not enough, and
You know it, too. Just as well as I do.

Dale Chou 2012-08-06