Here comes a train at twilight

Here comes a train at twilight.
Here comes a train with an island
    Carried on its back
    Weialala heia
To the end of the track,

And there are beautiful
People living on this island.
    Earnest people
    Doing the needful
For personal continuation

In terms of livelihood, culture,
And application; for the
    Overall well-being
    Of the better class;
For love and freedom—

Both civic and economy.
Occasionally they pushed
    A few of their own
    Off the edge.
These are always the Others

That got in the way. Laid off
Like stacks of hardwood
    Placed in-line
    More than a decade ago
For the continuation of the track;

For the greater consumption
Weialala heia till the end;
    Making extra rooms
    For the first class cabins,
Where the better passengers (with

Arms flung wide and fingers
Pointing) too eager to declare,
    'Run them over!'  They said,
    'Put them in their place,
And run them over, tonight!'

Dale Chou 2013-02-07