There is a room
There is a room.
Not a physical room, but you know it to be lit.
You recognise in personable detail the temperature and
Texture of the enclosure—
Walls, ceiling, door, and floor. They are familiar to you.
There is one window, closed.
You have known this place for years.
When you are here,
You are with old friends.
You know and like the scent of the room.
You know and like the way voices linger in humble volume
Against the furniture.
You fumble
With your thumb and index finger
An obscure fob left idle on one of the two desks.
It comes into effect
That is mysterious to you, but you are not alarmed.
After all, you are with old friends,
Old spirits, and they are the
Forgiving sort.
Slowly, you remember
The whispers that once took refuge
In the corner where you are standing.
There was an embrace, a long time ago. And it was
Accommodated. It was sentimental.
Dale Chou