This page contains recent poems and poems from recent years. There is also an exhaustive list including almost every poem since 1998.
Wednesday morning swim
Admire the clearness of the water. Stare hard at the water. Lunge
forward, as I falter.
Crash into the cold. Use expletives four
or five times through false air. Swim
like hell to stay warm.
Every Wednesday morning.
Dale Chou
Back at this corner
Back at this corner purplish and blue listening
to the streets waking up.
Dale Chou
The cats and the birds
—dedicated to Cori
Cori likes to play the piano
when I play the piano.
A note here.
A note there.
'The notes are like birds,
like feathers,' she said.
'The rests
are like cats.
When the cats come,
the birds fly away.'
Dale Chou
The sleepless
Those days of dreams and dampness
—of symbols large enough to settle
—of insects pale-almost-translucent
with their fearsome mandibles.
They have their innards stolen; they toil
hard, my wakeful tenants,
always carving away pieces within me
to stuff their hungry husks.
We fight all the time. I for what I am
left with; they for the lack.
Dale Chou
I have stolen words
from divinity,
appropriated them
for personal means;
these sounds form
not phrases,
but consonants in
the dark;
and I remain
inscrutable and
refusing to pass;
but I am not.
I am not.
Dale Chou