The life beneath

'I live a life of a roach.'

Pressured and compressed, empty, without
Purpose, bounded
By darkness, which
I detest—the evil
That forever engulfs my
Mind, occupies it and refuses to


I am condemned
To pursue
Things of no significance and
To dream nightmares. 
I cannot speak because
No one would listen. 
I cannot blink from what
I am—parasite of the world,

Void of compassion. I cannot laugh, 
Too—there is no reason to. 
I fly not for joy, 
But for fear, and
This has been the same
For seasons and aeons. It
Is driving me
Insane, but I can only
Move forwards, restlessly
Pulling my cold blooded
Torso towards the next
Sunset. Daybreak, 
Is a death sentence to my
Short sweet life. I take
The crack of my proud exoskeleton
As a morning blessing.

Dale Chou 2000-02-15