
Beetlemen are fortuitous creatures.

Beetlemen come in droves.

Beetlemen cannot fly. They load up on station platforms
To move from place to place.

Sometimes they drive.

Beetlemen tune in to 'mellow jazz' to relax and unwind.

Beetlemen go to banquets.

Beetlemen wear black jackets, sometimes without a tie.

Beetlemen enjoy a good diet of chitin, liver, and oil.

Beetlemen love land and estates, not soil.

Beetlemen are categorised
By the contact details of their business cards.

Beetlemen have office hours and family time, both of which
They do not adhere to.

Beetlemen have homes and warm beds to go to. 
Late at night,

Beetlemen shed their jackets, exposing vulnerable flesh
As they cling and squirm—

A throb for a throb—they dream. They turn
On their backs, lonely and dying beneath soft blankets
Pale like snow.

Dale Chou 2012-11-12